Megan looks absolutely beautiful! Megan graciously asked her supporters to help support liam's lighthouse foundation by making pledges so she could reach her goal and donate her pledges to the foundation. MEGAN RAISED $462.00!! Thank you so much, Megan, for being such a big girl, being selfless, doing this in memory of Liam and helping someone who needs it. Thank you also for raising money so that we can continue to increase awareness of HLH/Histiocytosis and help fund a cure! I know Liam is so proud of you too! AND THANK YOU TO ALL WHO DONATED TO HELP SUPPORT MEGAN!
Well, from what I have heard and seen from the pictures below, the Kueka Lake Wine Trip fundraiser was a success! April Zambetti did a phenomenal job organizing the event and representing liam's lighthouse foundation. Thank you so much for all of your hard work, April! I am sure Liam is so proud of his soldiers! And thank you to everyone who went and supported Liam's foundation! Here are a few pics from the day:
Dear Mrs. Schulze, Inaugural cupcake fundraiser for Liam's Cupcakes 4 a Cure was held at Ryan Elementary School in Chandler, AZ. This event was held in memory and honor of angel baby Liam Schulze (Colorado) , angel Caleb Tokarski (Illinois) and survivor Hannah Marsh (Florida). (see "other histio warriors page" for their stories).
THANK YOU TO MEGAN AND LAUREN TOWNE and RYAN ELEMENTARY for hosting "liam's cupcakes 4 a cure"! Another Histio/HLH warrior earned his angel wings today after fighting so bravely for his life. Caleb Tokarski was only 4 years old and just turned 4 on 4/6/10. Please for his full journey and to support his mom, Amanda, and their family as they suffer their greatest loss.
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July 2021