Guestbook - Archived from ORIGINAL Liam's Lighthouse Website
Darlene Garcia said: January 7th, 2011 12:38 am
Michelle, You Liam and you husband have my heart and my prayers. Thank you so much for sharing your story, for allowing me into your world and allowing me to meet Liam. HLH is insidious and I will spread the word anywhere I can. I can't begin to tell how profoundly I have been touched by your story. You are so much stronger than you know, you have walked thru the fires of hell, walked thru and begining to build anew! Move thru your life knowing Liam is with you and watching over you guiding and protecting you. Love and Angel blessing to you both!! Love Darlene
Geina Horton said: December 19th, 2010 1:54 pm
So wonderful to meet you both this morning and to meet Liam through Elmo. All my best to you and we will talk soon I hope.
Keri McAllister said: November 24th, 2010 9:55 am
Always remembering Liam around this time of year and thinking of you. I am so amazed at how strong and motivated you are and all the wonderful things you have done to bring recognization to the histio warriors and this terrible disease. I admire you and your strength.
amy said: November 6th, 2010 11:38 pm
kept up with your son's journey am so sorry for you and your family had a place in my heart and didn't even have to know him!!! prayers for him everyday!!! hope you guys are doing ok!!!
Elise Thompson said: October 16th, 2010 6:14 pm
My daughter was diagnosed with HLH six weeks ago and we are in the process of finding a match. All I can say is i'm deeply sorry and empathetic to your loss. As bravely as my daughter is right now I can appreciate how brave your son had to be. I understand the strength it takes from the children and from the parents. You will never be alone in this. We are all connected through this terrible process. Be strong.
Kelly Fantasia said: September 21st, 2010 3:07 pm
Michelle I cannot begin to tell you how much your story has affected me. You are truly a strong and wonderful woman and the things you have done and continue to do in your son's memory is inspirational! I have and will continue to tell people about Liam and HLH. Early detection and treatments need to be found. It was wonderful to finally meet you and I wanted to let you know that Liam, you and your family will forever be in my heart!
amanda said: August 31st, 2010 6:21 pm
hi ya i was told when my son was 2 months old he had HLH and sadly he passed away at the age of 22 months old its been 15 years now since he passed away and the pain still hasnt gone. I was sent to gosh in london where then they didnt know how to treat him as they had only seen 1 other case before and my local hospital didnt have a clue what to do. My heart goes out to everyone who has lost a child to this i know what you are going though
Candice & Paul Kondratick said: August 14th, 2010 9:18 pm
Our thought and prayers will forever be with you, He was such a handsome little man. God bless all the families that will have to endure this pain.
Jason & Kelly in London said: July 31st, 2010 4:14 pm
We lost our daughter Esme (22 months old) two weeks ago to HLH. The parallels with Liam's story are striking. The course the disease took and the toll on her body was almost identical. And like Liam our little girl was both beautiful and irreplacable. There's nothing more painful than watching something terrible happen to your child. We cried our eyes out reliving our journey in Liam's. In hospital we felt complict in our child's daily torment but knew it was the only hope we had of getting her home, unfortunately the treament was too much for her fragile body. As parents we are experiencing the same shock, helplessness, anger & a need to do something positive. It's admirable that you are turning all this hurt into something so positive, at the moment though we're struggling to see how we'll pick ourselves up from this cruellist of things
Stephanie Urias said: July 1st, 2010 10:23 am
I am a mother of child who has passed from HLH. Brandon Salazar passed August 5, 2007 at the age of 3. I think it's so awesome what you are doing to make awareness of this disease!!
Kelly Kudrich said: June 3rd, 2010 12:43 pm
way to go Megan Z for all you did to help find a cure forHLH you are beatiful
Jennifer Mirth said: June 1st, 2010 11:11 am
Thank you Shelley for everything you have put into this for others to learn. Liam was truly a blessing and Juliana talks highly of him and you both! I will continue to pray for you and your husband. Thank You also for your reach out to Dr. Filipovitch for us, it is nice to know as much as we all can right now. Thank You and let me know if I can be of help to you in any way!! --Jennifer Mirth
Janette said: May 28th, 2010 5:55 pm
I want to say sorry about liam, i know its a very hard thing to go through this disease is so terrible. I lost my son Ean two months ago he had HLH also he was 7 months when he passed away. It such a great thing what your doing. My thoughts and prayers are to you and family. May god bless you all.
Sharlah Reynolds said: May 14th, 2010 12:26 am
You are so busy! I don't know if I would ever have the energy to do what you do after everything. I think you are incredible for honoring so many children out there. :) thank-you so much for your prayers and support even while you are dealing with such sadness. lots of love and prayers~Sharlah
Cathy Kroptavich said: May 9th, 2010 1:34 am
My thoughts are with you and your family. I support your cause in finding a cure for HLH! Best wishes!
Cathy Emmons said: May 5th, 2010 2:46 pm
You have done an awesome job with this website. I hope people continue to visit it and donate. Liam's video is beautiful--I have watched it several times now---I always cry!! Hugs Kenna's Grammy aka Cathy Emmons
Erika Kozicki said: April 28th, 2010 11:37 am
God Bless You Shelley and your family and all Those Suffering with HLH!!! Erika Kozicki Ashley, PA
Kelly Fantasia said: April 21st, 2010 10:29 am
Michelle I forgot to write "For your birthday wish" for my donation...but that is what it was for. You are an incredible woman and do so much to fight this terrible disease. Your brave son has an amazing family...keep up the fight! Happy Birthday! Kelly
Jason Gramling said: April 17th, 2010 9:08 pm
Hi, my name is Jason. You don't know me, but I am a family friend of Amanda Tokarski, (mother of little Caleb Tokarski, who lost his life to this difficult illness.) I just want to say thanks for recognizing Caleb and all of the other boys and girls who fought and are still fighting for their lives. You are doing the work of a Saint. Best Wishes to you and all of the other families, dealing with this terrible illness.
Triscia Weech-Jones said: April 16th, 2010 2:23 am
Wow, I am so sorry Shelley. May God bless you and your faimily and all those suffering with HLH.
Nancie Reese said: March 29th, 2010 5:24 am
Thank you for sharing Liam's story with us. Although I read with tears streaming down my face, it still gives me hope and cautious optimism that my grandson Lucas Mallory will eventually be cured of this devastating disease. Lucas was diagnosed 11/10/09 at 8 weeks of age and underwent BMT 2/26/10 in Cincinatti. So far he is doing well and we are praying that this continues to be the case.
Katie Kennedy said: March 26th, 2010 2:14 pm
Michelle, I just visited the website and it brought tears to my eyes. What a powerful journey that you and your family have been on. Thank you for sharing it with me today! What a beautiful and brave boy you have watching over you everyday! Please let me know whatever I can do to help the foundation.
Kelly Fantasia said: March 25th, 2010 3:15 pm
Michelle - You and your family are in my prayers daily. You are the most beautiful family. Liam is an angel in heaven and you are an angel on earth. Keep up all the wonderful things you do. I would be happy to get any recognition you need on the east coast. Please let me know any ways I could help. God Bless You!
Jennifer Mercereau said: March 20th, 2010 4:33 pm
Hi Michelle!! I wanted to tell you that Taylors birthday party was today and we raised (I think) either 300 or $400. I counted it fast so I will email you with an actual number. Either way, we are EXCITED!!! Ill be sending you a check this week and I know it will be put to great use. I wish it was thousands or millions that I could give you, but for now I found out that I have a handful of really generous friends!!! Hope you are OK!!
sharlah reynolds said: March 20th, 2010 12:27 am
Hi, I wanted to stop by and say thank-you so much for your prayers for our daughter Bekah. I read Liams story and felt heartsick. I am so sorry. Yet you reach out and help others stay strong in their battle. Little Liam was beautiful! I am so sorry that his life was full of medicine and treatment along with a bmt- all of which is not an easy thing to witness. You are a testament to God! Much love-Sharlah (Bekah's mommy)
Jill Preston said: March 19th, 2010 5:55 pm
My sister Kellie Muse shared this site with me and I broke down crying in the middle of my office. I will be praying for your family and hope that you can find comfort that Liam is in heaven watching over us all. May the peace of the Lord be with you. From one mother to another...
Kellie Muse said: March 18th, 2010 1:14 am
I saw your brochure at Jun's and I wanted to make sure that I donated to your cause. I have a young son who was hospitalized for an illness ... I cannot tell you how brave and beautiful your family is. Liam is God's special angel! God Bless! Please let me know if you need any graphic design help with your foundation, I would be very proud to donate any design needs for your cause.
Melinda Walter said: March 7th, 2010 12:51 am
Michelle, you and your family are in my prayers. I have thought of you and Liam often since I saw you. I would love to help you if you need anything.
Scott Oppel said: March 2nd, 2010 8:14 am
Michell, My prayers are with you and your family. I find myself thinking of Liam all the time. Stay strong!
Jennifer Mercereau said: February 28th, 2010 9:42 pm
I am honored to be the 1000th visit to Liam's site!!!! Also, I am honored to have my name added to the list of people on the main page!!! If anybody is interested, I would like to have an indoor "yard"sale to raise money for the foundation. I am thinking of the Scranton area, since it is neutral to most people that live in PA and know Michelle and her family!! Please email me if you would like to put some ideas together with me!!! Thanks!!!
Kim Pasko said: February 24th, 2010 1:06 pm
Please let me know if you ever hold an event where you need volunteers. I would be happy to help you in any way I could. Since I heard of Liam's story - I think of him and keep him in my prayers.
Alicia Podwika said: February 23rd, 2010 3:13 pm
This is a wonderful website for Liam's foundation. Finally got to see the clip of the Today show....quick, but great representation of liam's lighthouse. Continue the great work you are doing.
jennifer schoondyke said: February 20th, 2010 10:01 pm
I learned about you from a friend who's child has hlh and voted for Liam's car today. He is beautiful. My baby girl died last year too, but of heart disease so I know it is so so hard.
Gayle Delano Slezak said: February 20th, 2010 9:45 pm
What a special tribute to Liam. Your baby angel lives through this site, through you and all the efforts you're putting forth to create awareness of HLH and to fight this demon. His light will shine brighter and brighter with every stride you make. As proud as you are of your son, he is even more proud of you. Your work is his legacy. God bless you and strengthen you on this journey. Much love...Gayle, Dad and Oliver
Lisa Martin said: February 17th, 2010 4:11 pm
What an awesome way to honor Liam and so many others fighting the hard battle of HLH. I am sure Liams Lighthouse Foundation will do great things! Love, Coty, Lisa and Brayton Martin
Jackie Hodge said: February 17th, 2010 12:06 am
Love, love the new site! Great job! Thinking of you and prayer for comfort every day!
April Zambetti said: February 16th, 2010 2:21 pm
Liam's light shines on. I just know how proud he is of his momma.
Megan Towne said: February 13th, 2010 6:22 pm
Great job on the new site. Time to rock 'n roll now! Great things today and many more to come! Liam, we love you! Keep smiling!
deb kaye said: February 13th, 2010 3:12 pm
Michelle, I wrote on carepages that me and kevin today had the oppertunity to test for the bone marrow registry. I was happy when they said they raised the age limit to 60. We thought of Liam the whole time. You and your family are always in our thoughts. LOVE DEB
Cathy Emmons said: February 13th, 2010 10:31 am
You have done a beautiful job on the website---love it. I will be back to check up on things not finished and do plan on donating more when I can. Bless you for fighting for all of these children. Cathy Kenna's Grammy
Mindy Horenksy said: February 13th, 2010 9:28 am
What a great website!! My thoughts and prayers are with you everyday!!
rochelle wilkinson said: February 13th, 2010 2:28 am
Love this site!!! you amaze me. Please know your son holds a very special place in my heart as do you, and for this I will always be here to help you with your mission.
Jennifer Mercereau said: February 12th, 2010 10:53 pm
Looking good Michelle!! You have tons of valuable information on your sight so far!! You are wayyyy less of a computer dummy than I am. :))
april zambetti said: February 12th, 2010 1:42 pm
baby angel Liam is smiling and is so proud of his mama.
Michelle, You Liam and you husband have my heart and my prayers. Thank you so much for sharing your story, for allowing me into your world and allowing me to meet Liam. HLH is insidious and I will spread the word anywhere I can. I can't begin to tell how profoundly I have been touched by your story. You are so much stronger than you know, you have walked thru the fires of hell, walked thru and begining to build anew! Move thru your life knowing Liam is with you and watching over you guiding and protecting you. Love and Angel blessing to you both!! Love Darlene
Geina Horton said: December 19th, 2010 1:54 pm
So wonderful to meet you both this morning and to meet Liam through Elmo. All my best to you and we will talk soon I hope.
Keri McAllister said: November 24th, 2010 9:55 am
Always remembering Liam around this time of year and thinking of you. I am so amazed at how strong and motivated you are and all the wonderful things you have done to bring recognization to the histio warriors and this terrible disease. I admire you and your strength.
amy said: November 6th, 2010 11:38 pm
kept up with your son's journey am so sorry for you and your family had a place in my heart and didn't even have to know him!!! prayers for him everyday!!! hope you guys are doing ok!!!
Elise Thompson said: October 16th, 2010 6:14 pm
My daughter was diagnosed with HLH six weeks ago and we are in the process of finding a match. All I can say is i'm deeply sorry and empathetic to your loss. As bravely as my daughter is right now I can appreciate how brave your son had to be. I understand the strength it takes from the children and from the parents. You will never be alone in this. We are all connected through this terrible process. Be strong.
Kelly Fantasia said: September 21st, 2010 3:07 pm
Michelle I cannot begin to tell you how much your story has affected me. You are truly a strong and wonderful woman and the things you have done and continue to do in your son's memory is inspirational! I have and will continue to tell people about Liam and HLH. Early detection and treatments need to be found. It was wonderful to finally meet you and I wanted to let you know that Liam, you and your family will forever be in my heart!
amanda said: August 31st, 2010 6:21 pm
hi ya i was told when my son was 2 months old he had HLH and sadly he passed away at the age of 22 months old its been 15 years now since he passed away and the pain still hasnt gone. I was sent to gosh in london where then they didnt know how to treat him as they had only seen 1 other case before and my local hospital didnt have a clue what to do. My heart goes out to everyone who has lost a child to this i know what you are going though
Candice & Paul Kondratick said: August 14th, 2010 9:18 pm
Our thought and prayers will forever be with you, He was such a handsome little man. God bless all the families that will have to endure this pain.
Jason & Kelly in London said: July 31st, 2010 4:14 pm
We lost our daughter Esme (22 months old) two weeks ago to HLH. The parallels with Liam's story are striking. The course the disease took and the toll on her body was almost identical. And like Liam our little girl was both beautiful and irreplacable. There's nothing more painful than watching something terrible happen to your child. We cried our eyes out reliving our journey in Liam's. In hospital we felt complict in our child's daily torment but knew it was the only hope we had of getting her home, unfortunately the treament was too much for her fragile body. As parents we are experiencing the same shock, helplessness, anger & a need to do something positive. It's admirable that you are turning all this hurt into something so positive, at the moment though we're struggling to see how we'll pick ourselves up from this cruellist of things
Stephanie Urias said: July 1st, 2010 10:23 am
I am a mother of child who has passed from HLH. Brandon Salazar passed August 5, 2007 at the age of 3. I think it's so awesome what you are doing to make awareness of this disease!!
Kelly Kudrich said: June 3rd, 2010 12:43 pm
way to go Megan Z for all you did to help find a cure forHLH you are beatiful
Jennifer Mirth said: June 1st, 2010 11:11 am
Thank you Shelley for everything you have put into this for others to learn. Liam was truly a blessing and Juliana talks highly of him and you both! I will continue to pray for you and your husband. Thank You also for your reach out to Dr. Filipovitch for us, it is nice to know as much as we all can right now. Thank You and let me know if I can be of help to you in any way!! --Jennifer Mirth
Janette said: May 28th, 2010 5:55 pm
I want to say sorry about liam, i know its a very hard thing to go through this disease is so terrible. I lost my son Ean two months ago he had HLH also he was 7 months when he passed away. It such a great thing what your doing. My thoughts and prayers are to you and family. May god bless you all.
Sharlah Reynolds said: May 14th, 2010 12:26 am
You are so busy! I don't know if I would ever have the energy to do what you do after everything. I think you are incredible for honoring so many children out there. :) thank-you so much for your prayers and support even while you are dealing with such sadness. lots of love and prayers~Sharlah
Cathy Kroptavich said: May 9th, 2010 1:34 am
My thoughts are with you and your family. I support your cause in finding a cure for HLH! Best wishes!
Cathy Emmons said: May 5th, 2010 2:46 pm
You have done an awesome job with this website. I hope people continue to visit it and donate. Liam's video is beautiful--I have watched it several times now---I always cry!! Hugs Kenna's Grammy aka Cathy Emmons
Erika Kozicki said: April 28th, 2010 11:37 am
God Bless You Shelley and your family and all Those Suffering with HLH!!! Erika Kozicki Ashley, PA
Kelly Fantasia said: April 21st, 2010 10:29 am
Michelle I forgot to write "For your birthday wish" for my donation...but that is what it was for. You are an incredible woman and do so much to fight this terrible disease. Your brave son has an amazing family...keep up the fight! Happy Birthday! Kelly
Jason Gramling said: April 17th, 2010 9:08 pm
Hi, my name is Jason. You don't know me, but I am a family friend of Amanda Tokarski, (mother of little Caleb Tokarski, who lost his life to this difficult illness.) I just want to say thanks for recognizing Caleb and all of the other boys and girls who fought and are still fighting for their lives. You are doing the work of a Saint. Best Wishes to you and all of the other families, dealing with this terrible illness.
Triscia Weech-Jones said: April 16th, 2010 2:23 am
Wow, I am so sorry Shelley. May God bless you and your faimily and all those suffering with HLH.
Nancie Reese said: March 29th, 2010 5:24 am
Thank you for sharing Liam's story with us. Although I read with tears streaming down my face, it still gives me hope and cautious optimism that my grandson Lucas Mallory will eventually be cured of this devastating disease. Lucas was diagnosed 11/10/09 at 8 weeks of age and underwent BMT 2/26/10 in Cincinatti. So far he is doing well and we are praying that this continues to be the case.
Katie Kennedy said: March 26th, 2010 2:14 pm
Michelle, I just visited the website and it brought tears to my eyes. What a powerful journey that you and your family have been on. Thank you for sharing it with me today! What a beautiful and brave boy you have watching over you everyday! Please let me know whatever I can do to help the foundation.
Kelly Fantasia said: March 25th, 2010 3:15 pm
Michelle - You and your family are in my prayers daily. You are the most beautiful family. Liam is an angel in heaven and you are an angel on earth. Keep up all the wonderful things you do. I would be happy to get any recognition you need on the east coast. Please let me know any ways I could help. God Bless You!
Jennifer Mercereau said: March 20th, 2010 4:33 pm
Hi Michelle!! I wanted to tell you that Taylors birthday party was today and we raised (I think) either 300 or $400. I counted it fast so I will email you with an actual number. Either way, we are EXCITED!!! Ill be sending you a check this week and I know it will be put to great use. I wish it was thousands or millions that I could give you, but for now I found out that I have a handful of really generous friends!!! Hope you are OK!!
sharlah reynolds said: March 20th, 2010 12:27 am
Hi, I wanted to stop by and say thank-you so much for your prayers for our daughter Bekah. I read Liams story and felt heartsick. I am so sorry. Yet you reach out and help others stay strong in their battle. Little Liam was beautiful! I am so sorry that his life was full of medicine and treatment along with a bmt- all of which is not an easy thing to witness. You are a testament to God! Much love-Sharlah (Bekah's mommy)
Jill Preston said: March 19th, 2010 5:55 pm
My sister Kellie Muse shared this site with me and I broke down crying in the middle of my office. I will be praying for your family and hope that you can find comfort that Liam is in heaven watching over us all. May the peace of the Lord be with you. From one mother to another...
Kellie Muse said: March 18th, 2010 1:14 am
I saw your brochure at Jun's and I wanted to make sure that I donated to your cause. I have a young son who was hospitalized for an illness ... I cannot tell you how brave and beautiful your family is. Liam is God's special angel! God Bless! Please let me know if you need any graphic design help with your foundation, I would be very proud to donate any design needs for your cause.
Melinda Walter said: March 7th, 2010 12:51 am
Michelle, you and your family are in my prayers. I have thought of you and Liam often since I saw you. I would love to help you if you need anything.
Scott Oppel said: March 2nd, 2010 8:14 am
Michell, My prayers are with you and your family. I find myself thinking of Liam all the time. Stay strong!
Jennifer Mercereau said: February 28th, 2010 9:42 pm
I am honored to be the 1000th visit to Liam's site!!!! Also, I am honored to have my name added to the list of people on the main page!!! If anybody is interested, I would like to have an indoor "yard"sale to raise money for the foundation. I am thinking of the Scranton area, since it is neutral to most people that live in PA and know Michelle and her family!! Please email me if you would like to put some ideas together with me!!! Thanks!!!
Kim Pasko said: February 24th, 2010 1:06 pm
Please let me know if you ever hold an event where you need volunteers. I would be happy to help you in any way I could. Since I heard of Liam's story - I think of him and keep him in my prayers.
Alicia Podwika said: February 23rd, 2010 3:13 pm
This is a wonderful website for Liam's foundation. Finally got to see the clip of the Today show....quick, but great representation of liam's lighthouse. Continue the great work you are doing.
jennifer schoondyke said: February 20th, 2010 10:01 pm
I learned about you from a friend who's child has hlh and voted for Liam's car today. He is beautiful. My baby girl died last year too, but of heart disease so I know it is so so hard.
Gayle Delano Slezak said: February 20th, 2010 9:45 pm
What a special tribute to Liam. Your baby angel lives through this site, through you and all the efforts you're putting forth to create awareness of HLH and to fight this demon. His light will shine brighter and brighter with every stride you make. As proud as you are of your son, he is even more proud of you. Your work is his legacy. God bless you and strengthen you on this journey. Much love...Gayle, Dad and Oliver
Lisa Martin said: February 17th, 2010 4:11 pm
What an awesome way to honor Liam and so many others fighting the hard battle of HLH. I am sure Liams Lighthouse Foundation will do great things! Love, Coty, Lisa and Brayton Martin
Jackie Hodge said: February 17th, 2010 12:06 am
Love, love the new site! Great job! Thinking of you and prayer for comfort every day!
April Zambetti said: February 16th, 2010 2:21 pm
Liam's light shines on. I just know how proud he is of his momma.
Megan Towne said: February 13th, 2010 6:22 pm
Great job on the new site. Time to rock 'n roll now! Great things today and many more to come! Liam, we love you! Keep smiling!
deb kaye said: February 13th, 2010 3:12 pm
Michelle, I wrote on carepages that me and kevin today had the oppertunity to test for the bone marrow registry. I was happy when they said they raised the age limit to 60. We thought of Liam the whole time. You and your family are always in our thoughts. LOVE DEB
Cathy Emmons said: February 13th, 2010 10:31 am
You have done a beautiful job on the website---love it. I will be back to check up on things not finished and do plan on donating more when I can. Bless you for fighting for all of these children. Cathy Kenna's Grammy
Mindy Horenksy said: February 13th, 2010 9:28 am
What a great website!! My thoughts and prayers are with you everyday!!
rochelle wilkinson said: February 13th, 2010 2:28 am
Love this site!!! you amaze me. Please know your son holds a very special place in my heart as do you, and for this I will always be here to help you with your mission.
Jennifer Mercereau said: February 12th, 2010 10:53 pm
Looking good Michelle!! You have tons of valuable information on your sight so far!! You are wayyyy less of a computer dummy than I am. :))
april zambetti said: February 12th, 2010 1:42 pm
baby angel Liam is smiling and is so proud of his mama.